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Long-Term Support For Yuki Kishimoto

OpenSats Welcomes Yuki as an LTS Grantee.

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Mt. Gox Starts Bitcoin Repayments After Decade-Long Wait


Mt. Gox, a defunct Japanese bitcoin exchange, has started to repay creditors in bitcoin and bitcoin cash on July 5, ending a 10-year long wait for some users to get their money back.

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Satonomics: FOSS, Bitcoin-only Alternative to Glassnode


Satonomics is a free and open-source, bitcoin-only, self-hostable suite of tools that computes, distributes, and displays on-chain data, making it freely available for anyone to use.

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Japan introduces enormous humanoid robot to maintain train lines

Agence France-Presse

The 12-metre high machine has coke bottle eyes and a crude Wall-E-like head, as well as large arms that can be fitted with blades or paint brushes

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Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

Note: The following text is a transcription of the Stone Engraving of the parchment Declaration of Independence (the document on display in the Rotunda at the National Archives Museum.) The spelling and punctuation reflects the original.

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Bitcoin Optech #310: BOLT11 Invoice Field for Blinded Paths


This issue summarizes the disclosure of 10 vulnerabilities affecting old versions of Bitcoin Core and describes a proposal to allow BOLT11 invoices to include blinded paths.

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Good Morning Bitcoin - Friday, July 5, 2024


Good Morning Bitcoin is a daily news roundup covering key stories, project updates, releases, guides, research and other Bitcoin and freedom tech-related topics.

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Open Source is Not About You

Open Source is Not About You. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

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Booting Linux off of Google Drive

What Hath God Wrought

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Authy Warns 33 Million Users—Update Your iOS Or Android App Now

Kate O'Flaherty

It’s time to update your iPhone or Android app after Authy admitted attackers have stolen up to 33 million users’ phone numbers.

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The America I love

It's not loud, but it exists.

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Noplace, a nova rede social feita para a geração Z, vira febre nos EUA. Mais uma? - NeoFeed

Karina Pastore

Prometendo uma experiência “sem algoritmos e anúncios invasivos”, o aplicativo de mídia social Noplace foi lançado oficialmente na quarta-feira, 3 de julho, e logo ocupou o primeiro lugar da Apple App Store, nos Estados Unidos. Nas primeiras horas, a plataforma chegou a registrar instabilidade, devido à intensa procura. Criação da empreendedora e investidora serial Tiffany […]

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Heart Attack Grill Las Vegas: Menu, Prices, & Hours In (July 2024)

The Heart Attack Grill on Fremont Street in Downtown Las Vegas is a truly unique restaurant, where glutony and obesity reigns supreme. Check out the menu to die for, the infamous scale, and the challenge in action.

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PF prende chinês com mais de R$ 2,7 milhões em barras de ouro no Aeroporto de Guarulhos | CNN Brasil

Marcos Guedes

Suspeito escondeu as peças dentro de embalagens de café para tentar enganar a fiscalização

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@eimze21 let's users create personal websites from their Nostr content. It's free for anyone getting started, it's open source and self-hostable. Built by Nostr.Band team.

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The Future of Privacy: Enforcing Privacy Standards

Recent anti-privacy legislations and proposals in Europe, the US and Australia threaten to infringe our fundamental right to privacy and to create grave risks to the safety of children and vulnerable people. It's time we shift the focus: privacy should be a non-negotiable duty of technology providers, not just a right users must constantly fight to protect, and not something that users can be asked to consent away as a condition of access to a service.

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OpenSats Grants Long-Term Support for rust-nostr Maintainer Yuki Kishimoto


OpenSats awarded long-term support to Yuki Kishimoto for his contributions to the nostr ecosystem.

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Twilio says hackers identified cell phone numbers of two-factor app Authy users | TechCrunch

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

Twilio says "threat actors were able to identify" phone numbers of people who use the two-factor app Authy.

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Hackers abused API to verify millions of Authy MFA phone numbers

Lawrence Abrams

Twilio has confirmed that an unsecured API endpoint allowed threat actors to verify the phone numbers of millions of Authy multi-factor authentication users, potentially making them vulnerable to SMS phishing and SIM swapping attacks.

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